Bookish Thoughts

  • Bookish Thoughts,  Posts,  Writer's Corner

    How (and Why) to Write in Books

    The idea of writing in books might make you cringe. Or, you may find making notes, highlighting, and underlining is your preferred way of interacting with a text. I was firmly in the anti-annotation crowd until a few years ago when I read an article much like this one elevating the role a reader takes on when annotating. A passive reader simply takes in what is on the page, but an annotator is communing with the text; their notes, asterisks, and underlines are a way of conversing with the author. Once I started to think of it this way, the idea of annotating a book felt much less blasphemous and…

  • Bookish Thoughts,  Posts

    How to Find More Time to Read

    The eternal problem: how do we make time to pursue our bookish hobbies? Being an adult means our days are crammed with things we “have” to do: working, cooking, cleaning, family and social obligations, exercising, etc. etc. And that’s without even bringing kids or pets into the picture! It’s easy to fall out of the habit of daily reading, and before we know it, a year has gone by and we haven’t read more than the first few pages of a novel. For the last few years, I’ve had to make a concerted effort to bring regular reading back into my life. I join the Goodreads reading challenge every year,…